Apocalypse Now

Revelation 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh
fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

Khải Huyền 13

Nó làm những phép lạ lớn, đến nỗi khiến lửa từ trên trời rơi xuống đất trước mặt người ta.

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5 Replies to “Apocalypse Now”

  1. The Rider of the Clouds: Psalm 68:5 – Ancient Hebrew Poetry

    The AH-1 helicopters arrived in South Vietnam in 1967 and were used in battlefield roles starting in 1968. The combination of a Huey and a Cobra flying together became a common sight during the rest of the war. The Cobra was fast and deadly, allowing the pilot and co-pilot to fire on enemies.

  2. No one will ever hurt you again my Vietnamese children….The Beast, Mystery Babylon was cast down into fire and the controversy of Zion.

    200 million americans are drinking chromium 6….revelation 18 plague of cancer is coming to that sinful nation

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