3 Replies to “Day of Mourning Day of Wrath”

  1. YES, we are the LIGHT

    the FAMILY of faith

    MOST JEWS KNOW NOTHING OF THE BANKERS/MONEYCHANGERS TRICKS….the serpent is hidden from them just like the gentiles and our family of faith

    in animal farm the pigs are stalin and his komissars

    who pillage the farm to feed the banksters monopoly on credit magic money machine

    making money is as easy as writing your name on a piece of papers with a number

    that is the first thing the pigs walking upright like farmers did was install a federal reserve type bank into russia

    to work the pigs to death taking siberian treasure

    colonial scrip is every colonists right

    self issued credit is owning yourself and your time….fiat money is just tulip mania pipe dreams

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