6 thoughts on “Touched By…

  1. The oracle in Bosnia came in 1981….but our lady came to vancouver when i built the eyes wide shut page in 1999…so pope francis is correct partially…the Medjugorje church is designed for the wedding of Moshiach ben David and the high priestess empress of the quinto imperio

    Psalm 81:6 Who made it a decree for Joseph
    when he came out of the land of Egypt.
    I hear a new oracle:

  2. Ludwig van Beethoven also took the story into the opera house, with Fidelio, and that brilliant drama has long since overshadowed all the rest.

    Fidelio falls into a genre known as “rescue opera,” a loosely defined term that was coined well after the fact. It’s generally used to describe a type of opera that developed in France at the time of the French Revolution, and quickly became popular all over Europe. And why not? At some point or another just about everyone needs to be rescued, emotionally if not physically.

    At their finest, rescue operas involve more than just the heroic rescue of an individual from mortal danger. They also portray a rescuer so heroic that he or she willingly risked everything in the cause, and an outcome that signals nothing less than the triumph of human will and freedom over injustice and tyranny. Fidelio provides all that, with plenty of drama and emotion to spare.

  3. What is the story of Beethoven’s Fidelio?

    Fidelio is an opera in two acts by Ludwig van Beethoven. It is Beethoven’s only opera. The German libretto is by Joseph Sonnleithner based on a French story. The opera tells how Leonore, disguised as a prison guard called “Fidelio”, rescues her husband Florestan from death in a political prison.

    WHEN we filmed EWS with Kubrick, he asked me who my REAL friends were…I told him Joe, Luis & Mike from East Van. Every detail about poor times before Scientology.

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